8.27.08 First day of school
Watching for the school bus
There goes our baby girl.
Can you beleive it? We have a kindergartener on our hands. Cambelle went to her very first day of kindergarten today and absolutely loved it! I knew she would though, because she loved preschool. The hard part of the day for me was putting my baby girl on a school bus and sending her off. I didn't cry though, and I am very proud of myself for that. There was only one hitch in the day and that was when the bus came home earlier than expected and I wasn't waiting at the corner when Cambelle got off the bus like I had promised. There were a few tears, hers not mine, but all in all I think we all had a pretty good day.
She looked adorable. I loved her hair and her cute little outfit. I know it's so hard when they first go. But, wait till next year when she's gone twice as long as she is this year. That is adjustment.