We have moved back home to Utah from Colorado. It really was a fun adventure for our family and we are all really grateful for the chance we had to do it... well... everyone except maybe Cody. I think we counted about 1300 man hours on that job in just 3 1/2 months. INCREDIBLE! We are so glad to have our Dad back.
My "reward" for sticking out those 3 1/2 months was that I could get LASIK done! I didn't waste any time getting that scheduled and had my surgery just 2 weeks after we moved home. I am now officially 20/15 (which is even better than 20/20)! I love it!
We had a nice low key Halloween. Cambelle was one of the 3 Musketeers (barbie style), Beck was a Pirate, and Elle was a bumble bee. Too Cute!
Cambelle got her ears peirced. How can you say no to that girl on anything. We thought she would wait until she was older, but when your kids come to you and so diplomatically try and convince you to let them do something, how can you tell them no? She was very brave, even though it hurt ... a lot... She gets to change her earrings on her birthday... she planned it to be exactly 6 weeks to the day so she could wear a new pair on her birthday.
Cody has been busy again with work... which we love and hate all at the same time. Its nice to have work, but it's also nice to get to spend time together again.
I have been busy just being me. Primary secretary keeps me busy, as do two toddlers and a 7 year old.
We are all super excited for Christmas to get here and even had a snow day today (NO SCHOOL!) We saw about 20" of snow overnight. The kids love it!

Hope anyone reading this has a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year because I'm pretty sure I won't post between now and then, but thanks for checking in on us!