Our adventures in Colorado continue....
Our biggest and craziest thing so far has been Cody's accident at work with a hand power planer. Just for clarification hand planers are NOT meant for hands. This happened right before Labor day weekend, so we got to spend a week in Utah for some R&R. It is healing really well. It looks way better now. I will have to post some current pictures. It is amazing how quickly the body can really heal itself. The cool part in all this is that the guys up here at the construction site like Cody so much that they all pooled their cash and gave our family a huge chunk of money to help cover costs while Cody was down. People are amazing. They all like Cody up here because he is the only mormon any of them have ever met.

We still take our weekly sunday walk down to the river. It is Becks favorite thing about livng out here. Every time he even sees the river he starts yelling " Reeber, reeber".

Our new friend Pauly came over again and made us another fantastic meal. He is completely amazing!

Most recently though we had our good friend Lance come out from Utah and stay with us for a week. The kids absolutely adore Lance (and his twin brother Ryan) so it was an extra special week for all of us. We took a day and went up to Aspen and did some window shopping. I think the cheapest on sale item we found was a t-shirt for $58.
This giant dog is at an antique store in Aspen and Beck loves to walk by and say Hi to this dog.

While Lance was here he introduced Elle to McDonalds sweet & sour sauce. She couldn't get enough. I think she even had a melt down when we took it away.

We spent a day up at the Glenwood Caverns in the Fairy Caves. No strollers allowed in the caves so Lance and I ended up carrying the two babies through the 70 minute cave tour.
The kids had such a good time that Cambelle decided that Lance is their step-dad. Her theory on that is that Lance is the guy who "steps in" when dad cant come because of work...the step-dad. We thought it was funny, I liked the idea of two incomes...

We rounded out the week by driving in to Denver for two days. Cody and Lance went to the Broncos home opener against the SeaHawks. They had third row tickets. Cody didn't want to carry around my pink camera so I'll have to post pictures of the boys at the game once I get them from Lance. The kids and I drove out to Colorado Springs and spent the day with my Aunt and Uncle. They took us to the "Garden of the Gods" . It's a geological wonder where the tectonic plates hit and sent these huge rocks straight up into the air. It was amazing.

We are only out here for another week or so and then its back to Utah. Cody will have to stay a few weeks later than the kids and I, but hopefully it will be life back to normal soon. Although I will miss all these adventures.